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Flutters and Flails

I"m a girl who likes to read and tell - so I do :)  Make sure you check out my blog - and if you want to follow it, that would be awesome!  http://fluttersandflails.blogspot.com/

Capture & Surrender (Market Garden 5)

Capture & Surrender - L.A. Witt, Aleksandr Voinov I really enjoyed reading a solid M/M story -- it was a nice change of pace from the books I've been reading lately.Unfortunately I live in a state where same sex relationships are discriminated against -- and while I won't get on my political soapbox here because I could be there ALL DAY -- I just wish that some of these people that think these relationships are dirty could just see past the sex. Because it isn't about sex. It is about love.And that's what I really enjoyed about this book. The draw, the chemistry, the connection between Frank and Stefan was most definitely there and most definitely unffy...but when Stefan takes off his mask and becomes Brandon, gah - it multiplies a kazillion-fold with the added emotional pull. And THAT is what pushed this book from 3.5 to 4 stars for me. The writing was straight-forward without any unnecessary frills or fluffy words. And sometimes that is exactly what I'm looking for in a read. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- I am a fan of less is more. Frank is, well...frank :) and the way the story read fit his personality completely. I never jump into the middle of a series, but couldn't resist requesting this book from Netgalley. While I didn't feel like I was missing anything from having not read any of the earlier books, I do look forward to going back and reading them. Soon.